{{lang === 'en_US' ? 'The journals included are all open access, meaning users can read and download articles for free without paying any fees.' : 'COAJ收录的期刊都是开放获取(OA)的,用户无需登录或付费即可阅读和下载文章。'}}
{{lang === 'en_US' ? "COAJ's journals and articles have undergone peer review to ensure the quality and credibility of their articles." : 'COAJ的期刊和文章经过同行评审,以确保其学术质量和可信度。'}}
{{lang === 'en_US' ? 'Provides fast search tools and advanced search tools, allowing users to easily find journals and articles of interest to themselves.' : 'COAJ提供快速搜索和高级搜索工具,以便用户查找感兴趣的期刊和文章。'}}
{{lang === 'en_US' ? 'COAJ data can be downloaded, allowing users to analyze and mine the data using their own software or tools.' : 'COAJ的数据可以下载,允许用户使用软件或工具分析、挖掘数据。'}}
{{lang === 'en_US' ? item.titleEn : item.titleZh}}
{{lang === 'en_US' ? item.titleEn : item.titleZh}}